
BAPES is the first metavestor club, that exclusively empowers crypto native companies, forged in the metaverse. BAPES was founded by successful bumans with super-high diversity backgrounds working in a myriad of divergent industries. Every BAPES club member (BAPES NFT HOLDER) is considered a metavestor partner earning continuous metawards from all the metaprojects that the BAPES Clan, as a collective, votes to metavest in, from the BAPES Metafund. Members of the BAPES Clan will enjoy VIP access to the high-end BAPES Club House, built in the metaverse, to mingle and connect with highly successful VIP business owners and founders of unicorn companies, celebrities, artists, content creators, and more. Member of the BAPES Clan will also enjoy never before seen, and non-accessible, IRL perks from our business partners in industries such as aviation, hospitality, real-estate, automotive, and more. In summary, being a BAPES NFT HOLDER means that you will have access to metavestments and a network of people in a meta-constellation never before seen.

THE GREAT GATHERING As soon as the powerful air vibrations of the BAPES horn echoed across the 7 continents, they started gathering in the hundreds and thousands. When 10,000 Bapes finally gathered on the BAPES Cord, a presale for whitelisted cord members will be planned. NOTICE: This will happen at the earliest on the 15th of February 2022.

THE WHITE LIST The BAPES NFT drop is 100% white-list only. This means that no public sale will be available. 10,000 BAPES will be made available for minting at a soon to be announced mint price.

THE HOUSE OF SAND When the BAPES Clan has amassed its first 10,000 members, we will purchase the first 24X24 plot on the Sandbox and begin the construction of the luxurious BAPES Mansion, BAPES Commercial District, BAPES Residential Area, BAPES Hotel, BAPES Airport, and the massive BAPES Mall. Always making sure that the BAPES Clan have their secure land and investment in the metaverse. This is to be considered the first collective investment made by the BAPES Fund. Every BAPES NFT HOLDER is a shareholder in that metaverse project. The BAPES Mall will be filled with commercial businesses that we already partnered up with, we can't mention their names yet, but we can assure you that they are globally famous brands.

THE PLANET OF THE BAPES The second massive project that will be invested in is The BAPES Planet on Somnium Space. It is literally a whole planet that we will acquire. Only BAPES NFT HOLDERS will be able to enter this world, to build, evolve, connect and earn. Because of the BAPES founding partners having deep relationships with the founders of Somnium Space, the BAPES Clan have been given the possibility to purchase an ultra-rare world where only 0.61% have that worlds' trait.

THE FUND The BAPES Fund I (and the Smart Contract) will be publicly announced and available on the blockchain. The BAPES Fund I is made up from both primary and secondary sales of the initial BAPES NFT's, and from successful return on investments (ROIs). The BAPES Fund I is fully managed as a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), where each BAPES NFT HOLDER can present an investment opportunity and cast their vote on any project presented by other BAPES NFT HOLDER's. Think of this like a better version of "Kick Starter meets traditional VC Funds", a million times better.

THE DAO Now is the time to finalize the formation and setup of the DAO. We will present all the strategies for presenting investment opportunities, casting votes, explain more on how projects win and actually receive funding from the powerful BAPES Fund, or the Fund of Funds as we call it internally, since no one have the slightest idea on how MASSIVE this fund is going to be very soon. The underlying philosophy of the BAPES DAO is fundamentally rooted in the powerful dynamics of decentralization and "wisdom of the crowd". The fact that everything the BAPES Clan does is generated and powered from thoughtful consensus derived from 10,000+ dedicated clan members is just mind boggling.

ENTER THE METAVERSE The BAPES Clan is now ready to go full force METAVERSE, leaving our universe and entering the never ending meta. This is when real magic starts to happen. The BAPES Clan consist of the top industry leaders, founders, and investors, that are all paving the way for the most amazing investment projects in the metaverse no one saw coming. We are now ready to help establish the biggest names in hospitality, aviation, real-estate, automotive, clothing, beauty, and many more industries. The list of industry leaders who are not only backing the BAPES Clan, but are also a central part of it, is unprecedented in the history of NFT/DAO projects.

Feb 22 2022, 2:00 pm UTC
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