

Brainborgs, mutated cyborgs, carry each an alive human brain to preserve it as the ultimate scarcity. Brainborgs act as guardians of the magic enshrined in the neural-synapses of the human brain, and operate as eternal protectors of the “sacred primal spirit”.

Each Brainborg of the “Borgmutation” NFT series is a membership token and key to Borgopia. Holders of Brainborgs will enjoy “Borgseeds” - top privileges allocated to this first and limited edition series, including membership rights, priority access to NFT projects and giveaways.

  • Step 1
  • Create project’s site and launch project
  • Finalise art for the first Borgmutation Brainborgs Collection
  • Enhance media presence
  • Build NFT smart contract
  • Draft legal terms for safe ownership and license rights
  • Pre-sale and Public-sale of first NFT collection
  • List on Opensea (and possibly on other also, such as Super Rare, or Rarible)

  • Step 2
  • Use layers of initial Borgmutation collection, to create subsequent collections
  • Create and finalise art for new collections
  • Pre-Sale of new collections to existing members
  • Public Sale of new collections
  • Design merchandise and physical goods

  • Step 3
  • Formulate community guidelines and rights
  • Enable NFT owners communication
  • Design Borg Coin
  • Sandbox test or Presale Borg Coin
  • Priority access to members to claim Borg Coins

  • Step 4
  • Foundation work for the metaverse
  • Designs and cooperations for VR platform

Apr 30 2022, 9:00 pm UTC
Public sale
Apr 30 2022, 9:00 pm UTC
Contract address
Circulating supply
Royalty fee (%)

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