Degen Lady Bugs


The aim of this project is to build a revenue-sharing casino where degens can create 3d pixel avatars, customize their gambling tools and take part to community lotteries. $BUGS will be our native token and 50% of royalties from secondary sales will be used to fill its liquidity pool. Each ladybug will generate $BUGS on a daily basis. We are going to develop a Custom Portal on the Website where you can stack your ladybugs, check out your $BUGS balance and claim them when you want. 50% of revenues will go back to holders.

PHASE 1 Collection Creation & Roadmap Drafting Business Plan development and potential partners analysis Twitter/Discord Setup & Website Development Create and expand our community
PHASE 2 Minting Day -Supply: 666 -Public Sale: 0.9 SOL -Pre-Sale WL: 0.8 SOL Collection verification and secondary market launch (ME, SolanArt) Rarity Tools
PHASE 3 Grape Protocol is implemented and gives verify holders access to DAO $BUGS Token integration & Airdrops to holders A Demo showcases our genesis games with their UI Stacking Portal launch. Holders can yield & claim $BUGS generated by each ladybug on a daily basis Coin Flip & Dice Roll genesis games are live on Solana Testnet
PHASE 4 Marketing campaigns and brand consolidation Casino public release on Mainnet & exploring new game formats Custom Tools & 3D avatars integration Strategic partnership with other Casinos in the space
PHASE 5 Landing on metaverse & meta-casino foundation

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May 7 2022, 5:00 am UTC
Public sale
May 7 2022, 5:00 am UTC
Contract address
Circulating supply
Royalty fee (%)

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