Elderly Ape Retirement Club


The ELDERLY APE RETIREMENT CLUB is a collection of 5,000 Elderly Apes living out the rest of their years in their Retirement Villa. With the overwhelming success that the apes have faced, they've decided to slow down and enjoy what life has to offer. Whether it be their daily bingo games, shuffle board, or waiting for their grandkids to call, there is never a dull moment in the Elderly Ape Retirement Club.

A part of the proceeds from the sales of Elderly Apes will be donated to Alzheimer's foundations and to explore long-term partnerships.

EARLY Q1 2022

Bingo Balls!

  • A new Discord currency to reward our most active members. Collect and earn Bingo Balls by joining in on twitter raids, contests, or games! You will be able to redeem a wide variety of items from our shop including Merch, Discord Nitro, Bingo Cards, and LOTS more!

  • This is another reason why we are adding more roles! If you love hanging out and want to get updated on contests but not raids, you can select the appropriate roles!

Elderly Ape Merchandise

  • You asked and it’s coming! We are launching EARC branded merchandise in Q1. In the shop you will be able to order some clean apparel basics (t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, etc), custom 1:1 options for you to customise products with YOUR ape, and even some fun goodies you might find around a retirement home!

  • In addition to the legacy merch items that will always be available in the shop, we will also have LIMITED EDITION themed merch drops throughout the year with bundle giveaways to the community during each drop event!

  • And of course, a percentage of the proceeds from the merch store will be allocated to our Alzheimer's charity fund as well as towards strategic marketing initiatives.


  • Dress up your Elderly Ape in some new drags directly on our website! To spice up your pfp this “Closet” will be updated frequently especially with upcoming holidays. Richard will even be looking for some custom suggestions from our community.

Bedrock Bingo Card

  • We know everyone loved Ultimate Bingo with our Golden Bingo Cards, and we don't plan on stopping that. We'll continue to have ultimate bingo games until we get bored of bingo (which is never).

  • For our original Golden Bingo Card holders, you won't be forgotten! In fact, your golden bingo card will be considered first for whitelist and giveaway collabs and may play a bigger role in our next section.

LATE Q1 2022

Second Collection

  • We’re designing our second collection and, similar to the first, we’re putting our unique, comedic spin on it! Some of our elders may have found a time machine behind the retirement home and started punching in numbers from their bingo cards. Hmm.. IS THAT A DINOSAUR?!
Dec 21 2021, 3:00 pm UTC
Public sale
Dec 22 2021, 8:00 pm UTC
Contract address
Circulating supply
Royalty fee (%)

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