
KREEPY CLUB is an NFT project operating on the Ethereum blockchain. The entire collection will consist of 9999 non-fungible tokens, created in three unique character styles (3333 of each), by our artists KREEPTURE, TOMORROWMAN, and JUNKYARD. All will be minted in one collection.

KREEPY CLUB was first conceived by KREEPTURE and TOMORROWMAN, two best friends based in South Africa who’ve been creating art together since high school. While KREEPTURE has been studying to graduate from college this year, TOMORROWMAN has been grinding, which has recently let him quit his day job and become a full-time artist. For the past two years, they have been on a mission to meet up and work with JUNKYARD, a Los Angeles based artist who also grew up in South Africa. With his help, they’re excited to take this project to the next level.

KREEPY CLUB was the idea for our brand way before we got into NFTs. And though we see this project as a step forward in the future of our brand, it’s also a chance for our fans to show the world that they’ve supported us from the start. Whether we sell only a single piece or all 9999, we will keep working our asses off and making cool shit, while remembering to have lots of fun along the way. We are building an iconic brand. And to all of our fans: we can’t wait to admit you as members of the official KREEPY CLUB!

Apr 8 2022, 10:00 pm UTC
Public sale
Apr 9 2022, 10:00 pm UTC
Contract address
Circulating supply
Royalty fee (%)

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