Light apes clup


A remarkable brand created by regular people.

The middle ground has been left unoccupied in a binary world of victors and losers, heroes and villains, artists and builders. The Park, a place where it is OK to be okay, has its roots in that same earth.

222 exquisitely different APES that give you exclusive admission to The Park, where we're creating a good community that will extend from the internet into the physical world.

We build a community-centric, widely recognized brand that is a force for good through meaningful member-only retail drops, outdoor ads, exclusive live events, and collaborations with indie businesses and world-renowned brands.

A remarkable brand created by regular people.

The middle ground has been left unoccupied in a binary world of victors and losers, heroes and villains, artists and builders. The Park, a place where it is OK to be okay, has its roots in that same earth.

222 exquisitely different APES that give you exclusive admission to The Park, where we're creating a good community that will extend from the internet into the physical world.

We build a community-centric, widely recognized brand that is a force for good through meaningful member-only retail drops, outdoor ads, exclusive live events, and collaborations with indie businesses and world-renowned brands.

Public sale
Jun 30 2023, 11:00 pm UTC
Contract address
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