Normal Boys


Normal Boys is a collection of 455 unique and randomly generated boys. Made up from 16 individually hand drawn traits of various rarities. We want to make this project more widely accessible, that's why we choose Solana blockchain. As we love simplicity, there's no presale, just a whitelist sale at a fair price to our early belleivers. Not wishing to sell dreams with false promises, like creating a Play to Earn or a Metaverse. Our goal is simply to build step by step through the community.

Phase 1

• Art Revealed

• Discord & Twitter Created

• Build Strong Community

• Giveaways and Collabs Arranged

• Influencer Marketing

• Award Wl spots through giveaways to active members & believers in project

Phase 2

• Minting 455 Normal Boys

• Listing on secondary markets of Magic Eden & Coral cube

• Launch Rarity on Solarity

Phase 3

• Following the launch of the main collection, a DAO will be created to allow the community to decide on the future of the project. NFTs will be your voting rights.

• We plan to create multiple secondary collections to grow the lore of the normal boys universe. if you hold severals NFTs, the secondary collections will be airdrop in your wallet.

Public sale
Jul 8 2022, 1:30 pm UTC
Contract address
Circulating supply
Royalty fee (%)

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