Paralleelium Series Eternal Garden


Welcome to Parallelium World

The worlds have aligned to allow this rare chance to explore your own parallel universe. Welcome to the MA+KE lab Paralleelium series! Your secret pathway to exploring brave new worlds. First collection of 200 spaces available on Friday 13th of May.   

Our desire is to tell stories about lost and forgotten things to engage people in new ideas and create a better understanding of the world around us. We ask all of you to come and explore the paralleelium world with us.

Parallelium series Started in 2020, with an idea of parallel worlds. It began as a collection of artefacts. Patterns, concepts of spaces and study in the material. Paralleelium is an amalgamation of Art and Design, a celebration of the changing nature around us.

“Paralleelium illuminates an aspect of quantum theory that states observed subject changes depending on who is performing the observation a scale that encompasses all likely and unlikely outcomes”

“Paralleelium” the first series opens to Eternal l Garden that encapsulates all the unusual and wonderful plants, scarce or extinct in the wild. From ground-habiting flora to lush blooms growing into the sky. It is an opportunity to appreciate and marvel at miraculous plants that have grown and still dwell on our planet.




Pre sale/ 

Whitelist is closed MAY 12 noon 

Whitelist minting opens MAY 13 

Public minting starts MAY 16



First series will include:

150 Unique Spaces


Phase 0: March/April 2022, Artworks

Eternal Garden artworks were completed in late 2021 and developed into the first series.

Phase 0.5: April/May 2022, Pre-minting

Twitter, Discord, Website. Tasks and competitions to ensure access to mint (Whitelisting) or giveaways. Building a community in Discord, ensuring inclusivity, respect, and a shared vision.

Phase 1: 13 May 2022, MINTING

On the 13th of May, 50 reserved NFTs will be minted for giveaways, competitions and the team. AFTER THE MINT, rest of the roadmap will be activated. All the people in the Whitelist are invited to mint from the 13th.

Phase 1.1: May/June 2022, Eternal Garden community build

The eternal garden opens fully on discord with virtual meetups with series holders, special prize ruffles and new info about all of Paralleelium.

Phase 1.2: June 2022, Paralleelium weekly podcast launch

Get to know the Paralleelium team in person. We are launching weekly podcasts to expand and open the Paralleelium multiverse. Community members and other collaborators will feature as guests.

Phase 1.3: July/September 2022, PARALLEELIUM ARTEFACTS

First Paralleelium Artefacts released will be a limited edition of 200 artprints. A series of stools featured in the artworks as physical objects. Holders of the Eternal Garden collection will be granted early access and prizes.

Phase 1.4: July/August 2022, In deep Paralleelium, video essays.

The first essay is a deep dive into the development of our first collection in video format. It's followed by an essay on the furniture collection of Paralleelium. Including future design goals for the project. Early access and prizes to community members

Phase 1.5: August 2022, Paralleelium Nature Sanctuary project opens

We plant a tree for every NFT minted in the series. The project culminates as a physical park / preserve. We start with design ideas for the landscape. Special edition of ”in deep Paraleelium”. Articles and video essays about the nature sanctuary project.

Phase 1.6: August 2022, Kickstarter and pathron for the Nature Sanctuary.

Building a nature sanctuary takes a lot more than our team can do - wider community and collaborations to ensure the completion of the project.

Phase 1.7: August/September 2022, Eternal Garden whitepaper

Eternal Garden whitepaper shall be made available.

Phase 1,8: September 2022, First glance at series 2

Series 2 of Endless Ocean will be shown exclusively to community members, with special prize ruffles for the upcoming series.

Phase 2.: July/September 2022, Creation of Endless Ocean series

Artworks and edits for the second series will be concluded by September. More info coming soon.

Phase 2.1: September 2022, Series 2 of Endless Ocean is open

Series 2 of Endless Ocean is open. Series 2 will feature 550 different artworks. More info coming soon.

Phase 3: 2023 Paralleelium Nature Scanturay

Nature Sanctuary will be created in the physical world by planting first trees.

Phase 4: 2023 Paralleelium Game project is opens

Paraleelium Series is constantly evolving. Our goal is to develop the series into a fully functional play to earn the game. More info coming soon.

May 12 2022, 9:00 pm UTC
Public sale
May 15 2022, 9:00 pm UTC
Contract address
Circulating supply
Royalty fee (%)

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