Primitive Club


Have you ever seen an NFT that imitates the evolution of human civilization?

It not only has novel and interesting gameplay.

There are also huge prizes waiting for you.

This is an NFT that mimics the development of human civilization.

Possessing fire and stone elements can cast iron elements

The worship of the gods gave birth to priests

You can enjoy swapping elements with others.

Also get official rewards

There are also unknown directions for the development of civilization.

Just waiting for you

Hurry up and join this glorious journey of the evolution of civilization.

Primitive Club consists of 10,000 primitive NFTs,

They live on the Ethereum blockchain.

Primitive Club is a project that simulates the gradual development of primitive society.

Our goal is to bring high-quality artwork to the community that continues to add value.


Random AirDrop of 10 Primitive NFT will be given to community members who mint within 24 hours after the public mint begins.

- After the opening of the public mint, the first 40 community members who have Fire Element Primitive NFT will get 1 free Primitive NFT AirDrop .


- Every element in the Primitive club can surprise the holder. Our holders who have both fire and stone elements can forge iron, and we will AirDrop an iron Primitive NFT on April 11th.

- In order for this planet to continue to prosper and grow, we will draw 5 holders from the community and each will AirDrop 1 primitive NFT.


- In order to keep the Primitive Club planet active, we will AirDrop 5 ETH to 20 members in the community who hold more than 2 Primitive NFTs through some activities.

- Next, we will hold more community events in the community, and the event reward will include 15 priest Primitive NFT.


-Primitive Club planets have reached a very powerful stage. Also, they refine technology as well as reach a certain level.

Now, for holders who have fire, stone, and iron at the same time, we will distribute 30 priest Primitive NFT as rewards through community activities to promote the development of the original club planet culture.


- The development of the original club era has reached an unprecedented stage and requires further innovation.

We will provide 10 ETH for the holders to vote in the community to decide its use direction!

Our holders will decide the development of this project!!!

Apr 17 2022, 6:00 am UTC
Public sale
Apr 18 2022, 6:00 am UTC
Contract address
Circulating supply
Royalty fee (%)

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