Solangeles Dream


Solangeles Dreamers - unique project consisting of 888 super-cool residents of Solangeles. Our main idea will be to guide people through endless rabbit hole called web3 by introducing them to 1 concept & project at a time. They will learn about blockchain, crypto, NFTs, Phantom, Solana, Ethereum, yield farming, p2e, Radium, alt-coins and various web3 projects on Solana blockchain by playing an RPG game. We are collaborating with projects who are willing to create custom quests inside our Solangeles metaverse to introduce themselves and their importance in the web3 world to our users and reward them by completing the quest.

[Q4 2021]-[Q1 2022]

[1]. Developing

Hardmode developing without marketing.

[2]. Collaborations

Collabing with multiverse project.

[3.] Drawing locations.

Development of the metaverse style

[Q2 2022]

[1]. Minting

The Sol-Angeles will release the Dreamers into the decentralized Solana ecosystem.

[2]. Secondary Market

The collection will be able on Solana NFT marketplaces.

[3]. New Meta

Shortly after the drop revealing secret WEB3 collab that will set a new meta in solana community.

[4]. Special Secret Bonus

Secret Gifts:3

[5]. Metaverse MVP

Integration and launch in Multiverse.

[Q3 2022]

[1]. Vinyl Figures Giveaway

Solangelers will have a chance to receive a physical Vinyl Figure of a their Dreamer.

[2]. SOLangeles Charity Fund 

Solangeles will create a Charity Fund to support small and prospective Web3 projects.

[3]. SOLangeles DAO

All Solangeles Dreamers will have governing power towards upcoming events, funds distribution and more.

[4]. Movement Sprites & Multi-Metaverse 

Teaming up with Multiverse projects and releasing movement sprites, personalised quests and more...

[5].Merch & Vinyl Figures Worldwide Delivery

Start of vinyl figures production and delivery worldwide.

Launch of our high-quality merch, T-Shirts for Sol-Angelers with with picture of their Dreamer.

[6]. Continuous integration & Metaverse 

Opening of SOLAngeles Metaverse governed by Dreamer holders with quests, special in-game items and more.

[Q4 2022-Q1 2023]

[1]. Metaverse Launch

A long-awaited and full-fledged launch of the metaverse.

[2]. Partnerships 

Big Collabs with well-known worldwide brands

Apr 21 2022, 2:00 pm UTC
Public sale
Apr 21 2022, 4:00 pm UTC
Contract address
Circulating supply
Royalty fee (%)

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