

Spinal Foxes is a collection of 6000 nft’s algorithmically generated with 140+ traits.

Each Spinal Fox holds a mission and the holder will release It. The goal is to help people with spinal cord injuries to help them improve after tragedies. That's why we chose spinal cord associations and Foxes will help them to help people. 

Backing and strong bonds are the values that we build with our community. That’s why we will launch the Play To Earn game which is in the endless runner mode. All players will be able to try It but NFT holders will have a chance to really take It from It.


We won’t lose our community because there will be a strictly private “Wild forest” society and there we will grow not daily but hourly with information and suggestions, advice given to each other. Together we will make a difference tomorrow because all the plans will be carried out there.

The Beginning Point (0% Sold): 


 It's the start of an epic journey. Here we are launching our Spinal Fox collection. At the start, we’ll launch and promote our collection on Twitter, Discord, Instagram. That’s not all, You’ll get exclusive access to our website as well. We’ll humbly welcome you aboard to take this beautiful journey with us! 


The Drop (25% Sold): 


They say ‘Giving is the best Doing’. We look forward to giving back to society, hence we’ll be making a +7 ETH donation to spinal cord injuries associations. But wait, there’s more, we’ll also give 5 Lucky holders one extra Fox in their wallet.

 The Middle (50% Sold): 


With great powers, comes great responsibility. As we are halfway through, we’ll make another donation of +10 ETH to Spinal Injuries associations. Additionally, we’ll randomly select holders from our collection and give them 4 * 0.5 ETH as giveaways. To add a cherry, on top of the cake. Our branding Merchandise will be out. Join our army of Spinal Foxes by getting yourself a goodie. 


A day before (75% Sold): 


As we near having our collection sold out, We’ll be donating +14 ETH to Spinal Injuries associations. We are not finished yet, we’ll do a 5 *0.5 ETH giveaway to random holders. You’ll get a glimpse of our “Forest Run” game trailer and Our Exclusive Merch store will be unlocked. We’ll conduct Merch Giveaways and ‘Wild Forest’ will be open to all Spinal Fox holders.


Going All In (100% Sold): 


Last but not least, we’ll set +20 ETH Donations to Spinal Injuries associations. 5 * 0.5 ETH will be given to random Spinal Fox owners. Alongside, 60 ETH will go to the ‘Wild Forest’ fund and the ‘Forest Run’ Game launch will happen. 


Endless runner game mode where Spinal Fox art holders by connecting their wallets, completing the runs, saving forest, collecting the coins by doing that will earn FOXILIUM (FXM) tokens. Which are exchangeable on multiple platforms.  


The home base of the holders. Trustful information about upcoming NFTs projects, operative cryptocurrency overview and crowded like-minded people community with the private boundaries. All upcoming projects, donations and updates including the P2E game will be decided by you in the “Wild Forest”. To enrich all of this growth there will be a professional team waiting for you. 


First of all, 5% Of Total profit made from public sale will be distributed to the holders. Second part, 5% of The Total Royalty earned monthly, will be redistributed to holders of the NFT. To make sure of these actions for completion, this distribution will be taken on the 26th of every month and distributed in ETHEREUM (ETH) or the FOXILIUM (FXM), to Holders of Spinal Fox NFT within 28th to 2nd of the Next month.

Apr 26 2022, 6:00 pm UTC
Public sale
Apr 27 2022, 6:00 pm UTC
Contract address
Circulating supply
Royalty fee (%)

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