Stray Dogs


Abandoned by family, betrayed by friends, and rejected by life, the Stray Dogs have seen everything wrong in the world. Compelled to live and fend for themselves in the violent streets of the metro, fighting other strays to assume territory and the contents of the next garbage can.

And these 4 strays, realizing that they have nothing left but themselves, decided to look out for each other. They shared the warmth of refused blankets, took turns in sleeping on found cardboards, and equally distributed portions of fast food left-overs across themselves. 

For a time, they were satisfied with the set-up. For a time, it was enough for them to get them by.

But soon after, they realized that they could do better—that they can do more than just survive. They can thrive. So the Stray Dogs started building their own community from their vision to empower strays like them to become who they want to be. 

Reclaiming the name, they called their community, "The Dog Pound", breaking free from the constraints of society that does nothing but police their every move, denying them of liberty.

Pretty soon, all their hard work and wit paid off as their community grew into an expansive metaverse. But despite their upgrade, the dogs do not shy away from still calling themselves "Stray Dogs". They wore the name as a badge of honor. They announce it with pride, knowing that they have become the best versions of themselves throughout the hardships and perseverance.

Owning an NFT Stray dog will give you the chance to win a brand new Tesla Car and you will receive a $50 MetFx Token Presale price allocation.

Our project is a metaverse and we are releasing NFTs as well. Each of the NFT Holders will be able to take advantage of the metaverse such as a 10% discount on Metfx Land, 10% discount on any rentals on Metfx Market Place, be part of the Stray Dogs gang club house in Metaverse, 1 free movie pass to Metfx drive in theater per month, and ETC.

May 22 2022, 4:30 pm UTC
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