Our physical merchandise will be unique and evoke a style appealing to everyone, we will start creating this store when we hit 50 ETH volume traded. We will plan to host our first IRL party when our collection has 25 ETH volume traded. Our goal is to create an unforgettable memory with all of our holders and experience our summer_coco world!
Our vision is to scale our brand into an excellent worldwide community with free-flowing communication. With a party vibe, we will evolve and adapt as we try different ways to grow our community.
50% of our mint revenue and 100% from the 5% secondary royalty we have set will be allocated towards our summer fund. This will be the foundation capital of our WINTER COCO collection.
when 50% of our collection is sold, we will hold a raffle with 10 prizes of 0.2 ETH paid to lucky SUMMER_COCO owners. Each NFT owned counts as 1 entry, when 100% of our collection is sold, we will hold a raffle with 5 SUMMER_COCO NFTs raffled to all owners. When we hit 100 ETH volume traded, we will have a giveaway challange for all our SUMMER_COCO holders to be able to participate in.
We will plan to expand our team with more developers, artists, and advisors to help bring SUMMER_COCO into the Metaverse and mainstream. Our goal is to create a space for our holders as we build a summer beach party connecting WEB2 and WEB3.
We will take a snapshot on 3 days after the mined out of SUMMER_COCO and if the holders hold that token ID until the winter coco mint, the holders will be air-dropped a free winter coco. If you receive a free mint pass during a promotion, you will also be able to mint a winter coco for free.