Forest Discovery FI


Forest Discovery FI is a p2e fantasy browser game based on the Solana blockchain. The game will impress you with its vintage pixel style, detailed missions and leveling system. Our team is glad to create such a game and show it to you, let’s make metaverse greater together!

  1. Phase one -Creation of a collection of 333 pieces on the Solana blockchain. -Secondary market approval -Website launch -Mint -Maintaining the price on the secondary market and holding promotions -Staring an nft game development Phase two -Distribute the time period for the following collections to maintain Balance and price. -Creation a whitelist and priuileges for it. -Creation a staking platform. -Earn passive income from the token $FERO -Creation a second wave of 777 NFTs. -Mint Phase three -Release of three more collections for a total of 3333 NFTs -Game beta for holders. -Creation of P2E game where purchased nfts will be used -Creation of the $ONYX token as a game currently. -Game public launch

Aug 16 2022, 5:00 pm UTC
Public sale
Aug 16 2022, 7:00 pm UTC
Contract address
Circulating supply
Royalty fee (%)

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